S$@& on mind in stream of conscience

May 18 18
is it odd that i feel more sad for the kid that thought a gun is the only option than for the victims of the bullets like life must suck for someone to feel that that was the only and most effective way of communicating despair it makes me feel so sad. 
sometimes actually most times i wonder if the younger kids listen to me because i’m immature or because i’m wise.
cultural appropriation should only be a fancy term for mockery as there is nothing wrong with appropriating a culture unless it’s being done to mock or unless it’s appropriating something symbolically sacred without sacred  intent for example a woman putting a circle between her brows purely to disguise unibrow then that would be offensive but someone choosing to adopt another’s cultures and dress hell isn’t that what white people have been tring to force on the newer immigrants when it comes to Christmas all this time
crap my blog shut down and I had a really good thought that segued into hash tags but I lost it so I’ll just pick up from where my brain and not text left off
Speaking of hashtags I could NEVER compartmentalize the horrors that those I know and love have faced in with my own minor irritations under a simple #metoo I am not them I have not faced what they have faced and a cutesy hashtag does not make their experiences more or equally as palatable as mine  A murder of a soul is not a grope in the bar women get a
I hate the media
I hate that it glorifies horrors in order to make us “feel” as if I can’t empathize with the terror and loss that others may be feeling without the appropriate “mood music” and font plastered on my screen this is why I hate news and prefer light and fluffy escapism in books 
Am I the only one that sees the paradox not sure if that’s the right word I’ll have to webster it but anyways of the current state of the sexualization of our society in one way we’re more uncaring and unbiased as ever in one’s sexual predilections but in the other courtship has gone back to regency england where you can’t kiss one’s hand without it being scandalous not sure if that’s good or bad I suspect good if we can find the balance
 WHY is it not ok to say oh you were born in a ghetto therefore it is more likely you will be a thug but it IS ok to say oh you were born white privilege so therefore it is more than likely you won’t understand dude I understood in grade 10 when a woman I knew and loved and respected told me that she was at the bottom of the totem pole because she was female and black and then told me why please don’t presume I’m ignorant because of my birth
While on the subject of race why is that the jewish populace has been consistently terrorized, ostracized and even exterminated in unfathomable numbers again a stray from the style of writing for this (!!!!) and yet the indigenous take centre stage for their failure in being able to pick up and move on is it because one culture was more acclimatized than the other to persecution I don’t know I do know that sometimes I wonder of we are enabling people to be victims rather than survivors
maybe it’s the example of those around me that cause me to celebrate the resilience of the human spirit and reject the victimhood that society seems to want to turn us into
In the words of my son’s revered, much-loved and respected principle who suspended him a few times:
“what did YOU do?”
“and then, what did you do?”
Ok, signing out
